Healthcare that is personal and affordable...woah!

Unlimited Virtual Care

River Health gives you a dedicated primary care provider who will see you when you are sick, manage chronic conditions, refill prescriptions, and more.

See What We Treat
Sarah Kellen, FNP-C Primary Care Provider (Dallas, Texas)
doctors office

$0 Doctor's Office Visits

Book an appointment with our 2000+ partner clinics across the country. With River, your first three office visits every year is $0. There are no co-pays or hidden fees.

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Affordable Rx With Free Delivery

Meds from River are only $5 for a month's worth. We will even mail it to your doorstep for free.

Prescriptions We Offer
doctors office

Private & Affordable Lab Testing

Get lab tests at over 6500 partner labs across the country for $0. You can view your results privately in the River app.

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How It Works

Start a Virtual Visit

Avoid waiting rooms and talk to your doctor right on your phone

Your Prescriptions Delivered

If your provider writes a prescription, we will deliver it to your doorstep

See a Doctor In-person

$0 office visits at over 2000+ partner clinics and urgent care across the country.

OK, but how much?

Simple prices with no hidden fees

Just $35

River Health plans start at just $35 per employee per month, with special pricing available for employers with 70 employees or more.

We work with amazing partners